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Here at Preferred Seating, we believe that the seat you sit in at a theater, auditorium, or movie house should be just as comfortable as the seat you sit in at your home. We have come to the realization that individual seating needs vary from one person to the next, and we have designed theater love seats, auditorium love seats, cinema love seats and movie loveseats to accommodate those needs. For the purpose of helping you decide whether or not love seats will contribute to your audience member’s needs and comfort, details about our love seats and an explanation of why and when a love seat would be desirable follows.

Construction and Comfort Features

Because our love seats are put together with a combination of the finest materials and the best up-to-date comfort related technology, you have the ability to custom order loveseats that add superb décor and enhanced comfort to the establishment of your choice. Cushions that offer superior comfort, are made of exquisite fabrics and rest inside a beautifully designed frame structure make our loveseats highly desirable. Our love seats are built to provide enhanced head and back support and years of use.

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