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Stacking Chairs for Churches and Auditoriums, and Lecture HallsStacking Chairs for Churches and Auditoriums, and Lecture HallsStacking Chairs for Churches and Auditoriums, and Lecture HallsStacking Chairs for Churches and Auditoriums, and Lecture HallsStacking Chairs for Churches and Auditoriums, and Lecture Halls

Multipurpose seating for gymnasiums, auditoriums and theaters provide convenient seating for spectators along with easy movement and cleaning by facility staff. This combination of features is often best met with portable seats rather than permanently attached chairs, benches or bleachers. Facility managers often have to make seating choices based on features weighted against the costs of the products.

There are many variations in removable seats available depending on the facility configuration. Removable theater seats offer side by seating for spectators. Some models of the chairs offer seats that pivot parallel to the back reducing the space the seat requires when not occupied. Portable seats often include mounting racks that reduce the storage area required when the chairs are not in use.

Portable seats also offer varying amounts of comfort and luxury. Some mobile seating includes deep padding and amble space while others are rather utilitarian with hard plastic seats mounted on metal brackets. Additional comfort often adds to the cost of the chairs and can increase the storage space necessary when the portable seating is not in use.

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