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2013 Movie Reviews


Most movie enthusiasts would agree that 2013 was a particularly strong year for great new films, and that means even more viewing excitement in home theaters as these masterful productions are released on DVD or via online rental.

In November, the second movie in the Hunger Games series opened in theaters. After the first weekend, the box office numbers for “Catching Fire” exceeded $150 million, and by the end of 2013 the total U.S. gross was $395 million. Only “Iron Man 3” did better by New Year’s Eve, with a gross of $409 million.


“Frozen” has now exceeded $1 billion in global box office sales, and the prospect of seeing this animated feature on the home screen has got to excite many a family. “Despicable Me 2” and “Monsters University” also enjoyed both critical acclaim and great ticket sales.


Now with the Academy Awards concluded, movies that had not been as widely viewed will probably gain traction at the box office as they eventually make their way to your home theater. “12 Years a Slave” had grossed less than $40 million by year’s end, but many will now seek it out in theaters or, eventually, at home. It garnered many of the most prized Oscars awarded on March 2, including “Best Picture.” “The Butler” also matches important history with great acting, as it displays decades of American history through the eyes of a White House staff member.

Meanwhile, “American Hustle” includes phenomenal acting by Amy Adams, Bradley Cooper, and Jennifer Lawrence as it transports us back to the ABSCAM sting operation in the late 1970s that exposed the corruption of a number of high-profile politicians.


Those that appreciate great literary pedigrees or amazing cinematography will have movies like “The Great Gatsby” and “Gravity” to eagerly anticipate. Those with great sound systems will be truly transported into space by the other-worldly effects achieved by this new genre of movie.

Those with a comedic bent may watch as a variety of very funny movies come to the home theater. “We’re the Millers,” “Bad Grandpa,” and the third of the “Hangover” movies will appeal to many. Movie enthusiasts of another ilk will revel in the effects on display in “The Wolverine,” “Thor: The Dark World,” “World War Z,” and “Star Trek Into Darkness.” Every one of of those films grossed over $130 million in the U.S. alone in 2013.

For movie producers, 2013 was a great year at the box office. For movie enthusiasts, it was a year rich in groundbreaking efforts that will enrich the lives of many in home theaters across the land.

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