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If your Little Rock or Fort Smith municipality, cultural organization, school or business needs to purchase theater chairs, you owe it to yourself to find out more about used theatre seats and cinema chairs. This is a new and less expensive trend in Arkansas theater seating.

Used theatre seats and cinema chairs offer lower pricing with the same benefits as new seating. In fact many Fayetteville and Springdale organizations find that the purchase of used theater seating has many advantages.

First, used seating is completely restored, totally clean and long-lasting. Beautiful and comfortable, these seats don’t seem like they’ve ever been out of the factory. They are installed in the exact configuration that you need. They are recovered in fabrics and styles that suit your organizational taste.

Second, used seating has amenities that are found on much higher priced models. Schools and businesses really appreciate the ability to purchase chairs with flip-up desks at a large savings over new theater seating. Unlike the wooden folding seats in many municipal auditoriums, schools and businesses, these are quiet, stain-resistant and well-cushioned.

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